Posts Tagged happiness

‘Secrets of a Massage Therapist’ by Andy Vogt — Review

I would like to express my gratitude to Ellen Hogan (for Readers Favorite) for her recent review of my book ‘Secrets of a Massage Therapist’ (Andy Vogt). Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule as well as for your thoughtful words! — Andy Vogt, Author


CUTE !!  *****  (reviewed by Ellen Hogan for Readers Favorite)

Angie is a massage therapist. She is originally from Germany but now lives in the U.S.A. She has one staunch rule; she will not have a relationship with any of her clients, although many try to change her mind. Mostly she goes to clients’ homes and gives massages there, but once in a while she will help out a friend in her business. She meets Marcus at a gas station while filling up one day, and he gives her his card. It takes her quite a while before she decides to call him. They fall fast and hard for each other, but real life’s pitfalls get in the way. Marcus has an old girlfriend that will not leave him alone and goes to Angie to tell her that they are still together. Meanwhile Angie is being harassed by a former boyfriend and commiserating with other therapists about their lives.

This is quite a cute book with more of a story than I anticipated. I loved the snippets about the massages she gave and the different personalities of the clients. Angie is a good strong character, who knows who she is and what she wants out of life. Marcus is a good foil for her. They have a great chemistry throughout the book. The cover is fitting for the book as a peek into what lies ahead. I was not sure at the beginning that I would like this book but was pleasantly surprised in the end. It is an easy read for anyone looking for one.


If you would like to read an excerpt, or to get your copy today, please visit my website:

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The journey through life is made up of many different roads. Sometimes we come upon a smooth road which leads us straight to the desired destination with little or no effort at all. More often, it will be a rocky, crooked road with corners, detours, and steep uphill climbs.

And now and then we get to a crossroads, the most confusing of them all.

Most likely, we stop and look at the options, not knowing what to do. Will this road lead me to the happiness I have been longing for? What if it turns out to be the wrong decision? Only hindsight will tell. But, one thing is certain: In order to find out, you have to take the risk, and choose one path. Otherwise you will never know.

The worst outcome of all is to not make a decision, but to just stay there confused…and then thinking for the rest of your life about a risk you didn’t take.

There are no guarantees in life. There are only choices you make…  🙂

Andy Vogt is the author of
the sultry and humorous
novel ‘Secrets of a Massage
Therapist’. Visit Andy at 
to read an excerpt.

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‘Secrets of a Massage Therapist’ by Andy Vogt — Reviews

I would like to express my gratitude to the following people for their recent review of my book ‘Secrets of a Massage Therapist’.  Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule as well as for your thoughtful words! — Andy Vogt, Author

***A Randy, Fun Love Story!*** by Author Cheri Powell

I always wondered how legitimate massage therapists handled all the come-ons they must receive in the course of their work. Especially, if they are attractive females. Now I know. Andy Vogt tells all and does it with humor. I found the book to be an enjoyable romp that should be on the reading list of every open-minded female from 21 to 100. If you are sexually prudish, this is not for you. Beneath the honest discussion of sexual drives, both male and female, is a life philosophy well suited to the modern age. Well done, Andy!

***Fun, Provocative Love Story!*** by Author Lori A. Moore

Andy has created a really fun “insider’s perspective” storyline of a professional massage therapist in a love relationship. I got a kick out of the part where the client asked the massage therapist for a “happy ending!” If you want a good, sizzling love story laced with humor, this is the book for you. I had the privilege of meeting this author in person and she inscribed a copy of her book to me as follows, “I hope this book will rub you the right way!” Isn’t that clever?

***Great Book for a Day at the Beach!*** by Erinn (Reader Review)

I think the cover design is perfect for this book because Andy gives a peek at what it is like to be a professional massage therapist and all the “interesting” things they encounter each day. There is a little mystery woven in and a nice amount of romance and a little lust, too. Overall this was an enjoyable read–perfect for an afternoon at the beach. You will laugh at the strange things people do and how classy Andy was in addressing them. And the next time you get a massage, you just might wonder what those walls would say if they could talk. (But you’ll know because Andy explains it all). Enjoyed it–smooth read!

 If you’d like to read an excerpt, please visit my website:

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‘Secrets of a Massage Therapist’ by Andy Vogt Book Trailer

Check out the book trailer for my new book… :-).
Lean back, relax…and enjoy!!

‘Secrets of a Massage Therapist’ by Andy Vogt is
available in paperback on and
anywhere books are sold, and in e-book format
on Amazon Kindle and Barnes&Noble Nook.
Also visit my website: 

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When Passion Takes Over …..


I don’t know about you…  but to me, passion is the essence of life.  If you don’t have passion for life, for the people around you, and for what you do, what is there really to live for?  It would be a boring life indeed!  As for myself, the following has become my guiding light

Life Is Too Short–So Kiss Slowly,
Laugh Insanely, Love Truly,
And Live With Passion

But what do you do when that very same passion takes over from time to time, and be truthful now, we’ve all had these moments  (some more than others   🙂  ), when we did or said something which we regretted instantly, the very moment we opened our mouths, or sent a letter.  Unfortunately, once it’s said, written, done, it can’t be reversed.  And then the passion that is usually an asset in your life, all of a sudden becomes a big negative, and you probably wish, at least for that moment, to be just a little more dispassionate…   :-).

Well, I’m a firm believer in the notion that things usually turn out the way they are supposed to.  We may not realize it at the time when something happens, why it happened, but as the saying goes…  ‘Everything happens for a reason.’

You may have been in a situation where you lost your job, and at the time, that was very difficult to deal with, and may have caused you hardship for awhile, but a lot of times, a new, better job or a career change for the better, may be just around the corner.  The same is true for so many other instances.

Then again, if it involves other people, and you’ve done or said something hurtful in the heat of passion, trying to sabotage a wonderful friendship or special love, and then you don’t have any way to take it back, it pretty much depends on the other person and the relationship the two of you have.  Here also, if it’s supposed to be, it will be.  And if not, it was never meant to be to begin with, and it was good that it happened, sparing you future headaches and heartaches.

If you found that special person who cares about you, gives you goose bumps, makes your heart beat faster, and makes you laugh, don’t let pride get in the way, no matter what happened!  Don’t let anything, be it a misunderstanding, argument, or anything else, become too important, believing you can’t get over it. Yes, you can…  If you really care about that person, it’s always worth it…

Because you may end up asking yourself for the rest of your life  ‘What if… he/she was the one?’  Believe me, you will…

Here’s another little saying

NEVER  give  up
On  someone  you  can’t
Go  a  day  without
Thinking  about

Just some food for thought…  Life is too short…     🙂

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Motivation — Not Just A Ten-Letter-Word

‘People often say that motivation doesn’t last.  Well, neither does bathing.  That’s why we recommend it daily.’ — Zig Ziglar   🙂

Chinese symbol for motivation


Thinking about starting a new project, endeavor, job, business, exercise program?  No matter what it is, applying the following simple suggestions will help you with keeping motivated on the way…..

1.  Keep a positive attitude and surround yourself with positive and motivated people ….. You can’t choose or control your circumstances sometimes, but you can choose your attitude towards them.  When obstacles arise, use them as stepping stones to move forward, rather than setbacks.

2.  Treat your mind like a parachute ….. It works best open.  Broaden your horizon and keep learning new things.  It will give you confidence when starting a new project.  Once you started a new project, track your progress.  Not only will it stimulate and motivate you when you see how far you’ve come, but it will also help you with making adjustments when you see what works and what doesn’t work.

3.  Help others ….. One of the best motivators is to help other people get motivated.  Seeing others do well will in turn motivate you to do the same.

4.  Just do it!!! ….. Once you get started and you see the progress you are making, and the success you are achieving, you just want to continue on your path.  So, if you ask me, out of the four suggestions, this is the most important one.

JUST  DO  IT !!!

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Single And Happy … By Choice … :-)

‘I love being married.  It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.’ — Rita Rudner  🙂


Recently, while having a little time during a bad ice storm, I was browsing through some blogs and got inspired to write this by one lady’s musings about her dating experiences which, according to her, often ended after the first date, and she was wondering why the guys ended up asking for a second date, without ever intending to even call her back.

Now, there can be many reasons for that.  The most likely to me would be that he just wasn’t that much into her, and didn’t have the heart to let her know face to face, but rather decided to leave her hanging for a few days or maybe even weeks while she was waiting for any little sign from him.  And then, only after agonizing back and forth about why he hadn’t called her back, finally realizing that it would be best to move on if she didn’t want to end up an old spinster desperately waiting for that one phone call  :-).

Now, a lot of women like myself, who are just slightly over 29  :-), and have seen the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, when it comes to men, have arrived at a point in our lives where we are very comfortable in our own skin.  We are single and happy ….. and not dating ….. by choice.  Just don’t want to go through the soap opera of dating somebody we know darn well right from the beginning is not going to lead anywhere …..

And so we decided to leave the trials and tribulations of a first, possible second, or even third date to others, and are perfectly happy with that decision.  Been there, done that, didn’t like it, won’t do it again.  We know exactly what we want out of life and, after often neglecting to do so in our younger years, and then paying a hefty price for it, we decided to start paying attention to a man’s actions to see whether they show the love and respect we deserve, and sometimes, that’s just not a pretty picture …..

Don’t get me wrong, we love men, absolutely ….. but we also respect and love ourselves.  So, until that special person comes around the corner,  we just opt out of dating altogether and are perfectly happy with it.  Now, when that person shows up, it’s a different story ….. and we’ll know exactly when we see him …..  :-).

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CHANGE — As in ‘Lifestyle Change’


“Hey, come here–Let me tell you a little secret:  You’ve probably heard the slogan  ’40 is the new 20, 60 is the new 40.’  How do some people manage to look and be so young no matter what age they are?  Well, are you ready for this?  It’s a mindset and a matter of attitude.  There are  ‘old’  thirty-year-olds and there are  ‘young’  fifty-year-olds.

“Listen, if you’re sitting at home right now just vegetating from day to day, feel bad frequently and your attitude stinks and you want to feel better but just don’t know how to get started,  GET OFF THE COUCH!  SHAKE THINGS UP!  CHANGE THE STATUS QUO!  Change to a healthy lifestyle, get in shape with a fit body, de-stress and simplify your life and you will find out, you’ll get an attitude adjustment in the process!  I’ve done it and so can you!  Get ready to declare:  45 is the new 25! — Or for that matter:  55 is the new 35! — Or:  65 is the new 45!

“Bottom line is this:  Everything happening outside you is a reflection of what’s happening inside you!  Believe it or not, there is a  FIT, SEXY and HAPPY  person already inside you just waiting to be awakened.  So what are you waiting for?  Wake her up!  Visit my website   and find out how!”


“Hi, I am Andrea and I am happy that your search has led you to my blog and website.  Let me share with you why I have chosen the butterfly as my logo.  Every time I see a beautiful butterfly fluttering by, I instantly smile.  Just watching that little creature brings joy to my heart.  It symbolizes lightheartedness, joy, love, happiness, a free and independent spirit, and most of all, it is a symbol of transformation.

“One of nature’s great mysteries is the metamorphosis from a crawling caterpillar, after going through chrysalis, to a colorful and beautiful butterfly.  Fighting its way out of the old form, the butterfly emerges free to explore the world from a completely new perspective and to flutter through life in joy.

“One day we may find ourselves desiring a better, more meaningful life.  At that point, we may not even know what this  ‘something better’  exactly looks like.  But if we have patience, it will come to us and we will find ourselves on a path of transformation very similar to that of the butterfly.

“Maybe you are in the  ‘caterpillar stage’  right now, feeling like you are just living from day to day and are stuck in your old mold.  But you also have the desire to change circumstances or behavior, or you want to shake up your life altogether.  Then again, you may find yourself already in the  ‘chrysalis stage’  but are impatient with the slow pace of transformation or you are lost at what change of your current circumstances you are actually seeking.

“It does not matter where you are at this point in your life.  What is important is that you have already taken the first step in your desire for change which has led you to my blog and website.  As I went through this transformation some time ago myself, I want to inspire and motivate you on your journey, and I will be with you every step of the way, until you get to the final stage, becoming a beautiful butterfly.  🙂

“By starting to live a healthy lifestyle which includes good eating habits and increased physical activity, limiting stress and maintaining a positive outlook on life, you will be well on your way to reaching your goal!  As body, mind and soul are interconnected, you will find many simple suggestions on how to de-stress, have a more positive outlook on life and generally become a content and happy person when visiting my website” 

Life is truly beautiful!  Enjoy your journey! 


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Endorphins – The Body’s Natural Painkiller

‘ENDORPHIN’ — A combination of ‘endo’ and ‘morphine’ – meaning endogenously 
                        produced morphine, or internally produced painkiller




Have you ever asked yourself why you are generally in a good mood and feel great after exercising?  Well, one answer certainly is an overall feeling of accomplishment, but there is also something to be said about the power of these little, hormone-like substances called ‘endorphins.’  When you exercise, endorphins are being released in your body, giving you a feeling of well-being and a state of euphoria.  These feelings can be so powerful that they actually mask pain (the body’s natural painkiller). 

Maybe you have heard the term ‘Runner’s High’ or have experienced it yourself.  All it takes for most people is moderate-intensity exercise of at least 30 minutes to be in high spirits and feel the elation and joy of a ‘Runner’s High.’  Short, high-intensity workouts have proven to be of little value when it comes to experiencing those benefits.  So the most effective stress relief and improvement to your mood may indeed be exercise–who would have thought!



With so much power influencing your mood during and after exercise to the point of giving you a ‘Natural High,’ you probably think that endorphins are also responsible for the incredible feelings of infatuation, falling in love, and then being in love with that ‘special person.’  Well, yes and no.  Infatuation or feeling an almost unbearable attraction to someone, when the pure sight of that person can make your heart beat faster and your eyes sparkle, and can make you talk for hours (the same person may seem boring later  🙂  ), is caused by an explosion of neurochemicals similar to adrenaline.  At that point you’re basically in love with the idea of being in love. 

This passion can last between six months and two to three years and is nearly gone after that for most people.  At that stage, if the relationship is not strong enough, it will usually end.  However, if it is strong enough, it will advance and then other chemicals, mainly endorphins, play a key role in long-term relationships.  Endorphins don’t induce the giddy high you feel when you are first infatuated with someone, but give you a sense of well-being, peacefulness, calmness and stability.  They literally are one of the reasons why people stay married because of their addictiveness.  Endorphins are the reason why we like loving someone.



Eating a bite of chocolate will trigger an endorphin release and can impact your mood in a positive way.  There’s a reason why I call chocolate my ‘soul food.’  But be sensible; you don’t have to eat a large amount, a little will do.  The darker and more bitter the chocolate, generally speaking, the better for you.


Looking for an easier way than exercise to release endorphins and get in a good mood?  Try a good laugh, think happy and positive thoughts, or make passionate love (or all the above)!   🙂

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Meet A Woman My Age


STOP!!!  Before you glance over thinking this is just another feminist rant.  It’s not, I promise!  Are you ready for this?


We really do!  However, after a long journey involving many detours, U-turns, heading in the wrong direction, stuck in traffic, being involved in minor fender benders and crashes with total loss and some bruises, taking the wrong exit now and then, and not paying attention to big flashing danger signs, we have finally arrived at our final destination:


We are 35, 45, 55, 65 …..  We are single, married, divorced, in or out of a relationship.  We are fit and healthy, sexy and happy, independent and confident, passionate lovers and wonderful partners, looking and feeling great …..


You won’t hear us asking the question that was oh, so important in our earlier years  “Does this make me look fat?”  Instead, we embrace and accentuate our natural beauty.  You won’t find us sitting next to the phone for days waiting for any little sign, like a phone call, that you’re the least bit interested in us.  We may actually pick up the phone ourselves after a long enough waiting period to call you, or wait to return your call, just to drive YOU a little crazy for a change, and only if it’s worth it.  Otherwise:  NEXT!!!  And what about the question dreaded by so many men around the world  “Do you love me?”  You may never hear us asking you that question, or at least not as often as we did in our earlier years.  We may actually pay attention to your actions to see whether they show the love and respect we deserve because we’re just not willing to settle for less anymore.  Been there, done that, didn’t like it.  And don’t be surprised to find out that ‘Making Love’ is okay sometimes, but other times we may just want to have ‘Wild Sex.’

Bottom line:  We know what we want, are passionate about life and it shows !



PHENOMENAL  WOMAN     by Dr. Maya Angelou


Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size.
But when I start to tell them,
They think I’m telling lies.
I say,
It’s in the reach of my arms,
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal Woman,
That’s me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It’s the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can’t touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can’t see.
I say,
It’s in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.

Now you understand
Just why my head’s not bowed.
I don’t shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It’s in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
The palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
‘Cause I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.

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