Posts Tagged Palin Racism

Colin Powell Is ‘Palling Around’ With Barack Obama!

‘Barack Obama is ‘palling around’ with terrorists!’ — Sarah Palin


Now we have one of the most distinguished military figures and admired statesmen, Colin Powell, and one of the best financial wizards, Warren Buffett, both endorsing Barack Obama and answering John McCain’s and Sarah Palin’s burning question ‘Who is Barack Obama?’ with a resounding ‘The man we think should be the next president!’


And what a powerful endorsement it was!  He made the best case to date for an Obama presidency and clearly left no doubt about how disgusted he is with the state of today’s Republican party and by extension the McCain campaign.  Even though he offered kind words for McCain himself, he offered a scathing indictment of his negative campaign focusing on narrow and unimportant issues (Bill Ayers) and therefore narrowing the party; McCain’s lack of judgment in picking Sarah Palin as VP, calling her completely unqualified to be vice president or president; the sharp turn of the Republican party to the extreme right; his anxiety about two more conservative judges on the Supreme Court; and the ugliness of trying to divide this country, yet again.


I think the most powerful part came (and everybody should take notice), when he talked about the smears against Barack Obama, especially calling him a ‘Muslim’ and therefore implying that ‘Muslim = Terrorist.’  In Powell’s words, the correct answer would be ‘He’s not a Muslim.  He’s a Christian.  The right answer, however, should be ‘What if he was a Muslim?’ ‘  And then he described a photo of a mother grieving at her son’s headstone at Arlington Cemetery.  Her son, just twenty years old, died in Iraq, and above his Muslim name was the crescent with the star, and he was an American, born in New Jersey, dying for his country.  I was sitting there with tears in my eyes listening to him.


And his case for an Obama presidency was equally as eloquent as his critique of the McCain campaign and the Republican party as a whole.  Colin Powell believes that Barack Obama possesses the style and substance to be a transformational figure and an exceptional president who will surround himself with great minds and capable people to tackle the mess this country will be in when he takes office.  He praised Obama’s choice of VP who he said is ready to be president and spoke in very admiring terms about a man who has not only inspired people but has broadened his appeal across party, racial and generational lines.  He also mentioned that Obama will present a completely different picture of America to the world as well, frankly, an America that the rest of the world admires, is desperately waiting for, and wants to see taking global leadership again.  You could just see in his eyes and hear in his voice that the current bad image of America around the world is very bothersome to this great statesman, as it should be to all of us.


Message to Sarah:  Go ahead, accuse General Colin Powell of being unpatriotic as well!  

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‘Rednecks’ For Obama !!!

So, it’s apparent that Obama seems to be making gains with groups that were a little reluctant to embrace him at first (white working-class, seniors, Jewish, etc.) and he is on target to garner the highest percentage of the ‘white vote’ of any Democratic presidential candidate since Jimmy Carter in 1976.  Quite amazing if you think about it!  After some anecdotal evidence, I think there’s one group that has been overlooked so far and should be included in his ever expanding base.

While driving through a ‘redneckish’ part of town, I looked at a homemade sign in somebody’s yard, right next to a pickup truck and instantly laughed out loud.  The sign?  ‘Rednecks For Obama.’  Naturally, it was homemade, because I don’t think there are pre-printed versions (like ‘Women For Obama’ or ‘Veterans For Obama’  🙂 ).  It seems to me that some members of the self-described ‘Rednecks’ just recently warmed up to Obama.  If the prospect of losing your job/health care/house tops racism in this election, I think we’ve already made a small step in the right direction.   🙂 

This little incident was compounded by a field report from two Obama volunteers I read about a few days ago.  When knocking on doors in the rural western part of Pennsylvania, they ran into this situation:  White older woman opens the door and after giving her some info about Obama, they asked her whether she already knew who she was voting for.  She turned around and yelled at her husband in the next room ‘Hey, who we gonna vote for?’  ‘We’re voting for the N***er!’  And she turned around, facing the two volunteers and repeated as cool as can be ‘You heard it, we’re voting for the N***er!’

Now, when I first read the story, I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry about this (I guess a little of both  🙂 ).  It definitely made me go ‘Huh?’  But, as I said, we might take a few baby steps in the right direction with some people in this election and that might just be a foundation we can build on.

Of course, then there’s this:

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McCain/Palin Rallies: A Gathering Of Racists, Fascists And Nutjobs?

So, I was watching a very interesting documentary about the history of the KKK on the History Channel the other night and then I thought I saw a continuation of it at several McCain/Palin rallies the next day.  I think you can tell a lot about a person’s character and the way he is running his campaign simply by looking at and listening to the people who are supporting him.


At an Obama rally, you find a very diverse audience of people who are cheerful, hopeful, and the atmosphere is filled with good vibes.  I have to say now, after watching a few McCain/Palin rallies over the past few days, they seem to be filled with Hate-Mongers, racists, fascists and nutjobs, and that says a lot about the character of the people attracting this mob.  Of course, hateful statements being made by supporters is nothing new for McCain/Palin.  I remember when during the primaries, answering questions at a town hall meeting, a woman got up and asked McCain ‘What are we going to do about the b**ch,’ referring to Hillary Clinton and instead of rejecting this disrespectful question, John McCain just smiled.


Now you have McCain and Palin as ‘Hate-Mongers-in-Chief,’ and it’s not a pretty picture.  From people calling Barack Obama a ‘terrorist,’ to shouting ‘treason’ and ‘kill him,’ to show casing a sheriff in full uniform in Clearwater, FL using hateful rhetoric, it certainly shows the true character of the two people on the Republican ticket for everybody to see.  And the silence of these two candidates in the face of these comments is deafening.  When watching this idiot in uniform, I was thinking back to the KKK documentary which showed clearly that the KKK could operate with impunity because they were openly supported by law enforcement.  Some of the officers were not only sympathizers but active members of the KKK.  Scary stuff!


Another incident that happened at one of the rallies raising more than just eyebrows, was the disrespectful way reporters, who were there simply to cover the event, were treated.  Not only were they prohibited from asking Palin any questions (gee, I wonder why), but they were greeted by hostile demeanor, threats and racially charged comments (‘Sit down, boy’ – one KKK rally participant to a black media person).  This is of course a reflection of the way McCain/Palin are inciting this hate with their stump speeches and we all should soundly reject it.  I’m sitting here looking at all this, asking myself


Message to media:  Stop covering McCain/Palin events completely until you receive the respect you deserve, and access to Palin to ask her questions like ‘How does it feel to be a Hate-Monger, and how does that square with you being a ‘Christian’? ‘

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My Ugly Confrontation With A McCain Supporter

“My statement was a reminder to all Americans that toxic language can lead to destructive behavior.” — Rep. John Lewis, Veteran of the Civil Rights Movement

In light of the recent events at the McCain/Palin KKK rallies, I decided to repost one of my blog entries which in retrospect is very telling of the character of some of the people we see at these rallies.  McCain and Palin with their hateful rhetoric are bringing to the forefront a hatred and racism that is bubbling right below the surface of some people as the following incident clearly demonstrates.  By the way, the entry is from July 22, well before the VP selection, the conventions, and the events of the past few weeks, just right after we knew that it would be a McCain/Obama match-up.  Here it is, word for word:


July 22, 2008


After having come to America from Germany in 1991 and making this city my home, every once in a while I am being reminded that you run into ignorance no matter where you choose to live.  One of those times was a few weeks ago when after a traffic altercation causing me to almost hit the guy cutting right in front of me, I ended up sitting next to him at the stop light that he got caught by only a few hundred yards down the road.  Isn’t it always like that?  Anyway, don’t ask me why I even looked over to him.  I guess I heard him yelling something.  And don’t ask me why I even rolled my window down.  I couldn’t exactly understand what he was yelling, so all I said was ‘I don’t know why you are yelling at me, you were the one almost causing the accident!’

Well, naturally, he picked up on my accent and yelled over ‘Why don’t you go back to Russia?’  Here also, I don’t know why I even corrected him, but after hearing ‘Germany,’ he started this hateful barrage at me including the three words he knew about Germany, two of them being ‘Heil Hitler’ and all kinds of obscenities, telling me how glad he was that America had destroyed Germany in the war and on and on and on.  I literally was completely speechless and just looked at him thinking that this guy certainly was a walking time bomb with all this hatred.  Anyway, at that point I had reached my daily limit of being subjected to ignorance and started to let my window up and just let him know that I was glad that he is not representative of his fellow Americans.  And I thought about an incident we just had a few days prior to that where a woman shot somebody after a traffic incident.  I looked at him and wondered about the irony if his ancestors had emigrated from Germany!

I had my window almost completely up when I heard him yelling ‘John McCain, John McCain!’  And then it was clear to me that my ‘Obama’ sticker most likely was the initial cause of his hateful diatribe.  Now I just hope that he is not representative of his fellow McCain supporters!


Naturally, looking at the racism and hatred incited by McCain/Palin and expressed by their supporters over the past few weeks, the hope stated in my last sentence was a bit optimistic.  Unfortunately, we all know now that this character indeed is representative of a large portion of his fellow McCain supporters.

Bottom line:  Barack Obama brings out the best in people.  John McCain brings out the worst in people.

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Sarah Palin In 2012? – Republican Party R.I.P.

The reports of tensions between the ‘Rogue Diva’ and John McCain come a little early, usually that doesn’t become public until after the defeat is finalized.  It’s an indication that everybody wants to position themselves as soon as possible to point fingers and blame others.  McCain, I’m sure, wants to salvage whatever is left of his reputation after his hateful and negative campaign and in the end, his responsibility of having picked a totally unqualified person as his VP candidate.  Sarah Palin, However, the $150,000 hockey mom, might have other ambitions.  There are rumors of her going rogue and staging an insurgency within the McCain camp, disregarding her handlers and advisers.  That can only mean one thing, positioning herself for:

SARAH  PALIN  IN  2012 !!!

If that indeed should be the case, we can collectively pick out a headstone for the Republican party, reading ‘GOP – R.I.P.’ ….. For a decade, or even an entire generation.  I have a sense that we will be witnessing something close to a civil war within the Republican party, starting on November 5th, the day after the election.  And it’s going to be a fight for the soul of the Republican party.  If you look back in history when one or the other party found themselves in the wilderness, that’s what always happened and often it took quite some time before that particular party managed to come back.  The Republican party of today faces such a dilemma that definitely will require deep soul searching and an all out fight between the various factions, and maybe that’s a good thing.


The ever shrinking base consists almost exclusively of evangelical extremists and the racist and nutjob anti-intellectuals we have been witnessing at the McCain and Palin rallies lately.  Sarah Palin is their ‘star’ because she is one of them.  However, other Republicans and everybody else are completely turned off by these radicals and their ‘hero’ Sarah Palin.  So, with this base alone and Sarah Palin as their pick for 2012, the Republican party will remain in the wilderness for a long, long time.  If they want to avoid that prospect, it seems to me that the rest of the party will have to figure out over time how to become relevant again with the ‘normal’ Conservatives and Intellectuals being in charge without alienating the base because they still will need their votes.  The first step to that recovery from an almost certain rout on November 4th will be to


Just a thought.  Not that we particularly care.  

Message to Sarah:  Sorry, you only get one chance to make an initial impression and after flirting with you at first, we have discovered your real character and it’s not a pretty picture.  Sarah, we’re just not that much into you and decided we should start seeing other people.  You probably will be going back to your old boyfriend ‘Alaska,’ but after all that has happened over the past few weeks, the reunion may not be as sweet as you like.  


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Desperately Seeking: Non-Crazy Conservatives!

“Sarah Palin represents a fatal cancer to the Republican party.” — David Brooks, conservative columnist in a speech decrying Palin’s anti-intellectualism and comparing her to Pres. Bush.
Stock Market on October 9, 2008 – Not a pretty picture


After several weeks of volatility in the financial markets, yesterday, October 9, 2008, represented another milestone with the DOW losing almost 700 points.  So naturally, there’s only one thing on everybody’s mind ….. yes, you guessed it ….. Bill Ayers!


Message to John and Sarah:  Besides your racist and nutjob supporters,


We are too busy trying to survive out here.  Listening to these two clowns, I’m sitting here asking myself:  Besides David Brooks and very few others,


If you don’t want to spend the next few years (or decades) after this election trying to rebuild a completely destroyed and decimated Republican party, the time to take a stand, show spine, and speak out is  NOW!  How in the world can you in good conscience sit on the sidelines and watch your party being taken over by racists, religious extremists and nutjobs?  And if you look deep down into your soul, aren’t you just a little ashamed to be associated with an erratic, grumpy old man and his looney sidekick inciting such a crazy mob?  I have a feeling that if you don’t speak out now, history will not be kind to you or the Republican party.

Not that we particularly care about your self-inflicted downfall.  We will be busy celebrating the more and more likely


You betcha!

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McCain Hiding Behind Two Skirts

Shameful and Disgusting

Well, John, now you’re hiding behind not one, but two skirts.  For some time we have seen folksy Sarah doing the dirty work for you by inciting hatred at your KKK rallies and now your wife Cindy is joining the ranks and you are just standing in the background smiling like a fool.


Cindy, darling, next time you accuse Barack Obama of voting to cut off funds for your son who is serving in Iraq, why don’t you mention that your husband, just two months prior, also voted against funding the troops.  The only difference:  Barack Obama cast his vote because that particular bill did not include a timeline for troop withdrawal and your husband cast his vote because that particular bill had a timeline for troop withdrawal.  We realize that little unimportant things like facts and truth don’t matter to the McCain/Palin campaign, but let me assure you, they matter to most everybody else.


Message to John:  Why don’t you go mano-a-mano with Barack during the final debate and show that you indeed have cojones (be it small ones), if you can bring yourself to look ‘THAT ONE’ in the eye and ask him directly why he is ‘palling around with terrorists’?  Maybe that way you can restore some of your manhood you have lost over the past few weeks.   🙂

By the way:  Is the Secret Service investigating the threats being made at the McCain/Palin KKK rallies?  Just checking.  



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