Posts Tagged Obama’s Health Care Plan

Memo To Ms. Betty


Ms. Betty, you look like a nice grandma baking cookies with your grandchildren, but then we saw you recently all over TV, holding up a sign comparing President Obama to Adolf Hitler, and shouting some ugly things at one of the town hall meetings about health care.  How can a little old lady be so mean, hateful and ….. ignorant?

When looking at your angry face, I suddenly realized that I had seen you before. Twice.  The first time at a McCain/Palin rally during the run-up to the last election, shouting ugly racist slogans, and then, just recently, at another town hall meeting, questioning the authenticity of President Obama’s birth certificate.  You certainly do seem to get around.  I wonder who’s paying for all these trips?

Anyway, the rest of your fellow Americans, the vast majority, looks at you and your cohort with a little bewilderment.  And we’re thinking, it may be more important, to overhaul our education system, instead of our health care system, with so many uneducated, uninformed and ignorant citizens out there.

Calling somebody a Nazi or comparing him to Hitler has been used in history to justify violent speech and acts against that person, or people sympathizing with him.  Is that really what you are propagating here?

Every time changes are being proposed, there are legitimate questions that should be addressed.  But that’s not really what you’re interested in here, is it?  Your talking points, provided to you by Republican operatives and the insurance companies, specifically call for shutting down debate on that issue, by disrupting town hall meetings and threatening others who are of another opinion.  By the way, this tactic was employed by Nazis to shut down dissent…  Just some food for thought…

Anyway, I thought you might want to know how the 90% of your fellow citizens are looking at this very sad chapter in humanity playing out right now on cable TV. And we’re asking the question, whether you’re really so concerned about health care (after all, you look like you’re being covered by Medicare–a Government-run program), or if there is indeed a deeper, much more sinister issue at play here. What is it that’s really disturbing you so much, Ms. Betty?

Could it just simply be the fact that we have a  BLACK  PRESIDENT ???  🙂

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Health Care Reform? YOU WILL DIE !!! 012

This is the face of a survivor.

A survivor of the  ‘socialist health care system,’  so often maligned by Republicans and their corporate sponsors, the insurance industry.

In my case, being from Germany, that system is actually a combination of private insurers and government provided health care, something that President Obama seems to be looking to provide.  While every country uses a different system, a lot of them, like the Canadian, British and Scandinavian, are completely provided by the government.  They all have a few things in common:

1.  Every industrialized nation, except America, treats health care as a human right, not a commodity, a for-profit business.

2.  Every citizen, no matter where they find themselves in their lives–working, unemployed, self-employed, child, student, stay-at-home mom/dad, retired… is covered in one way or another.  That’s another way of saying, there are no uninsured people.

3.  You can’t get turned down because of  pre-existing conditions.

4.  Using the system is either free, or involves minimal costs, even for people visiting the country, as it happened to me one year, having to get a tetanus shot, while vacationing in London.

5.  Nobody goes bankrupt over medical bills.

Naturally, no system is perfect, and there’s always room for improvement.  But I go out on a limb now, that you’d be hard-pressed to find anybody who is familiar with the health care system in other countries, to prefer the American system–as we have it today–, unless they are dishonest.

On a lighter side…  I remember receiving a Christmas card from my German aunt the year I came over to the States. Out of all the things she possibly could have been worried about, she wished me  ‘Merry Christmas’ … and the very next sentence read  ‘We are so worried about you being over there with the terrible health care system they have.’  Just some food for thought…

An honorable mention goes out to the rent-a-thug mob being bussed around to disrupt town hall meetings right now, verbally and physically assaulting congress people holding these meetings to explain the changes to the public.  This mob rule is brought to you, once again, courtesy of Republican millionaire sponsors and their backers, the insurance industry.

Why are they so worried?  It’s easy…

1.  It will cut into the insurance industry’s profits.  That’s why Republicans are being paid by/bribed by the insurance industry to do their bidding.  And don’t forget…

2.  It’s politics!  Republicans know very well, if we get meaningful health care reform, actually benefiting people, under a Democratic president, they will find themselves in the political wilderness for a long time to come.  After all, they haven’t forgotten recent history…  That was the fate of the Republican party during and after FDR’s presidency, when a lot of the very successful social programs were enacted.  So they have to do everything in their power to stop that from happening…  Never mind the people!

When asked at a recent town hall meeting, how many of the people disrupting that event, had insurance, including Medicare, the majority of these thugs raised their hands.  Now I’m wondering if they realize that according to their own talking points provided to them, their days may be numbered, as  ‘people will die in the streets’ if we have a public option.  After all…

Medicare is a program run by–you guessed it–the  GOVERNMENT !!!   🙂

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