Posts Tagged Random Thoughts

Do You Want To Date My Corvette?

Is it just me or does every Corvette driver (and yes, some Mercedes and others, too) think they are entitled to your undivided attention and that every woman just has to be in absolute awe when sitting right next to them at a stop light?  Case in point yesterday again:  Yellow Corvette stops next to me and out of the corner of my eyes behind my sunglasses I can see guy in yellow Corvette making all kinds of attempts for attention from Nissan driving disinterested woman (me) to the point of blowing his horn several times when getting frustrated by lack of acknowledgement.  How dare she doesn’t look at me when I’m sitting here in this beautiful Corvette?

Well, I have news for you:  A lot of us stopped a long time ago doing anything but looking straight forward when waiting at a light.  There are just too many yellow Corvettes with attitudes out there.  🙂

No, I don’t want to date your Corvette!

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Meet A Woman My Age

STOP!!!!  Before you glance over thinking this is just another feminist rant.  It’s not, I promise!  Are you ready for this?


We really do!  However, after a long journey involving many detours, U-turns, heading in the wrong direction, stuck in traffic, being involved in minor fender benders and crashes with total loss and some bruises, taking the wrong exit now and then, and not paying attention to big flashing danger signs, we have finally arrived at our final destination:


We are 35, 45, 55, 65 ….. We are single, married, divorced, in or out of a relationship.  We are fit and healthy, sexy and happy, independent and confident, passionate lovers and wonderful partners, looking and feeling great …..


You won’t hear us asking the question that was oh, so important in our earlier years “Does this make me look fat?”  Instead, we embrace and accentuate our natural beauty.  You won’t find us sitting next to the phone for days waiting for any little sign, like a phone call, that you’re the least bit interested in us.  We may actually pick up the phone ourselves after a long enough waiting period to call you, or wait to return your call, just to drive YOU a little crazy for a change, and only if it’s worth it.  Otherwise:  NEXT!!!  And what about the question dreaded by so many men around the world “Do you love me?”  You may never hear us asking you that question, or at least not as often as we did in our earlier years.  We may actually pay attention to your actions to see whether they show the love and respect we deserve because we’re just not willing to settle for less anymore.  Been there, done that, didn’t like it.  And don’t be surprised to find out that “Making Love” is okay sometimes, but other times we may just want to have “Wild Sex.”

Bottom line:  We know what we want, are passionate about life and it shows!


Watch this little video clip if you need a motivational fix today    🙂

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